Friday, May 27, 2011

Create Your Blog -- 3 ?s

Ok, so the creation of the blog itself was easy. Now comes the hard part: deciding what to post, when to post, and generally what it's going to look like.

What makes a good blog? As I've looked at a number of blogs, several things stand out to me. First, keep the format simple. Some have so much stuff that they hurt my eyes. Second, provide links to related blogs and articles. This is, by far, my favorite thing. I get to find resources through like-minded people, not through an often-useless open search! I have already found a HUGE number of great sites and articles on topic I love, and it took basically no time at all. Finally, be succinct. This is going to be my biggest struggle, because I've been verbose since I learned how to speak and even worse since I learned how to write. So, I'll stop answering this question now.

How could blogs enhance your existing school web presence? I've honestly never considered this question before. Our school, like most, has a lovely website. How cool would it be for teachers with classroom blogs to have links right off the teacher directory page? It would be easy for students to find when they need to read and respond, as well as great for parents to get a window into classroom learning. What a great idea!

Are blogs an easier way to self-publish? Easier than what? Blogs are definitely easier and more timely than books, and less expensive and more accessible than having an article printed in the newspaper or some magazine/journal. They're also far more editable and maleable than creating a printed book/booklet or portfolio in the classroom. All in all, it's a very adaptable, basically free forum that appeals to our "digital native" kids. I still like the option of paper from time to time, but most of my students would MUCH rather do this. Maybe they'll win me over . . . I DO prefer to type than write, anyway.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

TLA TAL – Getting Started

OK -- this is a new venue for me. I set up a classroom website for a class two summers ago, but I've left it largely neglected. I've avoided blogging because I feel like I don't have the time to keep it up consistently (and I hate bloggers who do that). However, I am very excited about the potential of using this blog to connect with students. Though I love technology, I'm constantly finding myself out-paced by my high schoolers (and my middle school son) these days. Maybe this forum will be another opportunity to connect with and learn from them.

As to the course, I need a tech update! I have a lot of basic knowledge, but most of it is several years old (or more . . . ). I just don't take the time to play with the new tools and stay on top of things. I know the names of a lot of programs, but I have NO idea how to use them or, more importantly, how to make them effective classroom and learning tools. This is going to be great!